
  1#!/usr/bin/env python
  2# coding=utf-8
  4# Copyright © 2012-2024 ButenkoMS. All rights reserved. Contacts: <gtalk@butenkoms.space>
  6# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  7# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  8# You may obtain a copy of the License at
 10#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 12# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 13# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 14# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 15# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 16# limitations under the License.
 19import platform
 20if 'PyPy' != platform.python_implementation():
 21    import requests
 22import binascii
 23import os, os.path
 24import pickle
 25import datetime
 26# try to import C parser then fallback in pure python parser.
 28    from http_parser.parser import HttpParser
 29except ImportError:
 30    from http_parser.pyparser import HttpParser
 32from cengal.modules_management.alternative_import import alt_import
 34with alt_import('lzma') as lzma:
 35    if lzma is None:
 36        import lzmaffi.compat
 37        lzmaffi.compat.register()
 38        import lzma
 42Module Docstring
 43Docstrings: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/
 46__author__ = "ButenkoMS <gtalk@butenkoms.space>"
 47__copyright__ = "Copyright © 2012-2024 ButenkoMS. All rights reserved. Contacts: <gtalk@butenkoms.space>"
 48__credits__ = ["ButenkoMS <gtalk@butenkoms.space>", ]
 49__license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0"
 50__version__ = "4.4.1"
 51__maintainer__ = "ButenkoMS <gtalk@butenkoms.space>"
 52__email__ = "gtalk@butenkoms.space"
 53# __status__ = "Prototype"
 54__status__ = "Development"
 55# __status__ = "Production"
 58def remove_percent_encoding_from_the_URI(string, plus=True):
 59    try:
 60        string = str(string)
 61        if plus:
 62            string = string.replace('+', ' ')
 63        string = string.encode(encoding='utf-8')
 64        percentTypes = ((b'%u', 6, (False, None)), (b'%', 3, (True, tuple(range(32)) + (34, 42, 58, 60, 62, 63, 124, 127))))
 65        # (prefix, full size, (allowed type or not at all, list of disallowed characters like backspace etc.))
 66        for percType in percentTypes:
 67            isDone = False
 68            while not isDone:
 69                index = string.find(percType[0])
 70                if index > -1:
 71                    ind2 = index+percType[1]
 72                    if ind2 > len(string):
 73                        ind2 = len(string)
 74                    hexString = string[index:ind2]
 75                    hexString = hexString[len(percType[0]):]
 76                    decodedString = b''
 77                    if percType[2][0]:
 78                        try:
 79                            decodedStringBuff = binascii.unhexlify(hexString)
 80                            if int.from_bytes(decodedStringBuff, byteorder='little') not in percType[2][1]:
 81                                decodedString = decodedStringBuff
 82                        except binascii.Error:
 83                            pass
 84                    string = string[:index] + decodedString + string[ind2:]
 85                else:
 86                    isDone = True
 87            if percType[2][0]:
 88                if (len(string) > 0) and (len(set(string).intersection(set(percType[2][1]))) > 0):
 89                    index = 0
 90                    isDone = False
 91                    while not isDone:
 92                        if string[index] in percType[2][1]:
 93                            string = string[:index] + string[index+1:]
 94                        else:
 95                            index += 1
 96                        if index >= len(string):
 97                            isDone = True
 98        string = string.decode(encoding='utf-8')
 99    except UnicodeDecodeError:
100        string = None
101    except UnicodeEncodeError:
102        string = None
103    return string
106def get_standard_folder_separator():
107    return '/'
110def unify_folder_separators(string):
111    string = str(string)
112    string = string.replace('\\', get_standard_folder_separator())
113    return string
116def remove_forbidden_file_names_from_the_URI(string):
117    # replace forbidden file names with slash ('/'). Also will unify folder separators (replace '\' with '/')
118    forbiddenFileNames = {'con', 'prn', 'aux', 'nul', 'com1', 'com2', 'com3', 'com4', 'com5', 'com6', 'com7', 'com8'
119        , 'com9', 'lpt1', 'lpt2', 'lpt3', 'lpt4', 'lpt5', 'lpt6', 'lpt7', 'lpt8', 'lpt9'}
120    string = unify_folder_separators(str(string))
121    strBuffer = string
122    string = string.lower()
123    for forbFile in forbiddenFileNames:
124        string = string.replace(get_standard_folder_separator() + forbFile + get_standard_folder_separator(), '/')
125        string = string.replace(get_standard_folder_separator() + forbFile + '.', '/')
126    isStrWasChanged = False
127    if strBuffer.lower() != string:
128        isStrWasChanged = True
129    else:
130        string = strBuffer
131    result = (string, isStrWasChanged)
132    return result
135def remove_path_to_the_parent_of_the_current_directory(string):
136    string = unify_folder_separators(str(string))
137    string = string.replace('../', '/')
138    string = string.replace('/..', '/')
139    return string
142def is_path_is_trying_to_leave_site_sandbox(string):
143    itemsList = string.split(get_standard_folder_separator())
144    while '' in itemsList:
145        itemsList.remove('')
146    counter = 0
147    for item in itemsList:
148        if item == '..':
149            counter -= 1
150        elif item == '.':
151            pass
152        else:
153            counter += 1
154        if counter < 0:
155            return True
156    return False
159def is_path_is_not_safe(string):
160    # return tuple (decoded string, is_path_is_not_safe)
161    result = tuple()
162    string = remove_percent_encoding_from_the_URI(string)
163    if string is None:
164        result = (string, True)
165        return result
166    string = remove_forbidden_file_names_from_the_URI(string)
167    if string[1]:
168        result = (string[0], True)
169        return result
170    is_not_safe = is_path_is_trying_to_leave_site_sandbox(string[0])
171    result = (string[0], is_not_safe)
172    return result
175def web_server__is_redirection_to_the_main_domain_needed(httpParser: HttpParser, prefix=None):
176    functionResult = False
178    host = httpParser.get_headers()['Host']
179    domain = host
180    if ':' in host:
181        host = host.split(':')
182        while '' in host:
183            host.remove('')
184        domain = host[0]
185    if '.' in domain:
186        domain = domain.split('.')
187        if domain[0] == '':
188            del domain[0]
189            functionResult = True
190        if prefix is not None:
191            if domain[0] != prefix:
192                domain.insert(0, prefix)
193                functionResult = True
194        lastDLen = len(domain) - 1
195        if domain[lastDLen] == '':
196            del domain[lastDLen]
197            functionResult = True
198        domain = '.'.join(domain)
199    if host.__class__ is list:
200        if len(host) > 1:
201            host[0] = domain
202            domain = ':'.join(host)
204    functionResult = (functionResult, domain)
205    return functionResult
208def load_cache_from_file(fileName, originalCache):
209    fileName = unify_folder_separators(fileName)
210    cache = originalCache
211    if os.path.exists(fileName):
212        if os.path.isfile(fileName):
213            cacheDataFile = None
214            dataBuff = originalCache
215            try:
216                # cacheDataFile = open(fileName, 'rb')
217                cacheDataFile = lzma.open(fileName, 'rb')
218                cache = pickle.load(cacheDataFile)
219                dataBuff.update(cache)
220                cache = dataBuff
221            except(EnvironmentError, pickle.PicklingError) as err:
222                cache = dataBuff
223            finally:
224                if cacheDataFile is not None:
225                    cacheDataFile.close()
226    return cache
229def save_cache_to_file(fileName, cache):
230    fileName = unify_folder_separators(fileName)
231    if cache.isWasChanged:
232        isRenamedToBak = False
233        if os.path.exists(fileName):
234            try:
235                if os.path.exists(fileName+'.bak'):
236                    try:
237                        os.remove(fileName+'.bak')
238                    except IOError:
239                        pass
240                os.rename(fileName, fileName+'.bak')
241                isRenamedToBak = True
242            except IOError:
243                pass
245        isDumped = False
246        cacheDataFile = None
247        try:
248            # cacheDataFile = open(fileName, 'wb')
249            cacheDataFile = lzma.open(fileName, 'wb', format=lzma.FORMAT_XZ, check=lzma.CHECK_CRC64, preset=1)
250            pickle.dump(cache, cacheDataFile)
251            cache.isWasChanged = False
252            isDumped = True
253        except(EnvironmentError, pickle.PicklingError) as err:
254            pass
255        finally:
256            if cacheDataFile is not None:
257                cacheDataFile.close()
259        if isRenamedToBak and isDumped:
260            try:
261                os.remove(fileName+'.bak')
262            except IOError:
263                pass
266class CachedRequestError(Exception): pass
269def make_cached_request__get(cache, request, useOnlyCachedResults=False):
270    result = cache.try_to_get_data_for_request(request)
271    if (result is None) or (not result.ok):
272        if useOnlyCachedResults:
273            raise CachedRequestError()
274        result = requests.get(unify_folder_separators(request))
275        result = SerializableHttpResponseFromRequests(result)
276        cache.put_new_request(request, result)
278    return result
281def make_cached_request__universal(cache, request, workerFunction, useOnlyCachedResults=False, **workerFunctionParams):
282    result = cache.try_to_get_data_for_request(request)
283    if result is None:
284        if useOnlyCachedResults:
285            raise CachedRequestError()
286        result = workerFunction(**workerFunctionParams)
287        cache.put_new_request(request, result)
289    return result
292def make_a_copy_of_cached_request_with_another_keyname(cache, current_name, new_name, make_first_copy_only=False):
293    is_copy_avaliable = True
294    if make_first_copy_only:
295        test = cache.try_to_get_data_for_request(current_name)
296        if test is not None:
297            is_copy_avaliable = False
298    if is_copy_avaliable:
299        result = cache.try_to_get_data_for_request(current_name)
300        if result is not None:
301            cache.put_new_request(new_name, result)
304class SerializableHttpResponseFromRequests:
305    def __init__(self, request, isBinaryFile=False):
306        super(SerializableHttpResponseFromRequests, self).__init__()
307        self.isBinaryFile = isBinaryFile
308        self.url = request.url
309        self.ok = request.ok
310        self.reason = request.reason
311        self.status_code = request.status_code
312        self.headers = request.headers
313        self.encoding = request.encoding
315        if 'content' in dir(request):
316            self.content = request.content
317        else:
318            self.content = None
320        # if not isBinaryFile:
321        #     if 'apparent_encoding' in dir(request):
322        #         self.apparent_encoding = request.apparent_encoding
323        #     else:
324        #         self.apparent_encoding = None
325        # else:
326        #     self.apparent_encoding = None
327        self.apparent_encoding = None
329        # if (self.encoding is not None) or (self.apparent_encoding is not None):
330        #     self.text = request.text
331        # else:
332        #     self.text = None
333        self.text = None
335    def getResultEncoding(self):
336        if self.encoding is not None:
337            return self.encoding
338        elif self.apparent_encoding is not None:
339            return self.apparent_encoding
340        else:
341            return 'utf-8'
343    def getBytesContent(self):
344        if self.content is not None:
345            return self.content
346        elif self.text is not None:
347            bData = bytes(self.text, self.getResultEncoding())
348            return bData
349        else:
350            print("Can't get data from the request object on url ", self.url)
351            raise Exception
354def saveRequestedFileToFS(folderName, requestResult):
355    fileName = folderName + os.path.basename(requestResult.url)
356    fileName = unify_folder_separators(fileName)
357    with open(fileName, 'wb') as file:
358        if requestResult.content is not None:
359            file.write(requestResult.content)
360        elif requestResult.text is not None:
361            bData = bytes(requestResult.text, requestResult.getResultEncoding())
362            file.write(bData)
363        else:
364            ex_text = "Can't save object from {} to the fie. Can't get data to save".format(requestResult.url)
365            print(ex_text)
366            raise Exception(ex_text)
369def getFileModificationDate(fileName):
370    fileName = unify_folder_separators(fileName)
371    t = os.path.getmtime(fileName)
372    return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t)
def remove_percent_encoding_from_the_URI(string, plus=True):
 59def remove_percent_encoding_from_the_URI(string, plus=True):
 60    try:
 61        string = str(string)
 62        if plus:
 63            string = string.replace('+', ' ')
 64        string = string.encode(encoding='utf-8')
 65        percentTypes = ((b'%u', 6, (False, None)), (b'%', 3, (True, tuple(range(32)) + (34, 42, 58, 60, 62, 63, 124, 127))))
 66        # (prefix, full size, (allowed type or not at all, list of disallowed characters like backspace etc.))
 67        for percType in percentTypes:
 68            isDone = False
 69            while not isDone:
 70                index = string.find(percType[0])
 71                if index > -1:
 72                    ind2 = index+percType[1]
 73                    if ind2 > len(string):
 74                        ind2 = len(string)
 75                    hexString = string[index:ind2]
 76                    hexString = hexString[len(percType[0]):]
 77                    decodedString = b''
 78                    if percType[2][0]:
 79                        try:
 80                            decodedStringBuff = binascii.unhexlify(hexString)
 81                            if int.from_bytes(decodedStringBuff, byteorder='little') not in percType[2][1]:
 82                                decodedString = decodedStringBuff
 83                        except binascii.Error:
 84                            pass
 85                    string = string[:index] + decodedString + string[ind2:]
 86                else:
 87                    isDone = True
 88            if percType[2][0]:
 89                if (len(string) > 0) and (len(set(string).intersection(set(percType[2][1]))) > 0):
 90                    index = 0
 91                    isDone = False
 92                    while not isDone:
 93                        if string[index] in percType[2][1]:
 94                            string = string[:index] + string[index+1:]
 95                        else:
 96                            index += 1
 97                        if index >= len(string):
 98                            isDone = True
 99        string = string.decode(encoding='utf-8')
100    except UnicodeDecodeError:
101        string = None
102    except UnicodeEncodeError:
103        string = None
104    return string
def get_standard_folder_separator():
107def get_standard_folder_separator():
108    return '/'
def unify_folder_separators(string):
111def unify_folder_separators(string):
112    string = str(string)
113    string = string.replace('\\', get_standard_folder_separator())
114    return string
def remove_forbidden_file_names_from_the_URI(string):
117def remove_forbidden_file_names_from_the_URI(string):
118    # replace forbidden file names with slash ('/'). Also will unify folder separators (replace '\' with '/')
119    forbiddenFileNames = {'con', 'prn', 'aux', 'nul', 'com1', 'com2', 'com3', 'com4', 'com5', 'com6', 'com7', 'com8'
120        , 'com9', 'lpt1', 'lpt2', 'lpt3', 'lpt4', 'lpt5', 'lpt6', 'lpt7', 'lpt8', 'lpt9'}
121    string = unify_folder_separators(str(string))
122    strBuffer = string
123    string = string.lower()
124    for forbFile in forbiddenFileNames:
125        string = string.replace(get_standard_folder_separator() + forbFile + get_standard_folder_separator(), '/')
126        string = string.replace(get_standard_folder_separator() + forbFile + '.', '/')
127    isStrWasChanged = False
128    if strBuffer.lower() != string:
129        isStrWasChanged = True
130    else:
131        string = strBuffer
132    result = (string, isStrWasChanged)
133    return result
def remove_path_to_the_parent_of_the_current_directory(string):
136def remove_path_to_the_parent_of_the_current_directory(string):
137    string = unify_folder_separators(str(string))
138    string = string.replace('../', '/')
139    string = string.replace('/..', '/')
140    return string
def is_path_is_trying_to_leave_site_sandbox(string):
143def is_path_is_trying_to_leave_site_sandbox(string):
144    itemsList = string.split(get_standard_folder_separator())
145    while '' in itemsList:
146        itemsList.remove('')
147    counter = 0
148    for item in itemsList:
149        if item == '..':
150            counter -= 1
151        elif item == '.':
152            pass
153        else:
154            counter += 1
155        if counter < 0:
156            return True
157    return False
def is_path_is_not_safe(string):
160def is_path_is_not_safe(string):
161    # return tuple (decoded string, is_path_is_not_safe)
162    result = tuple()
163    string = remove_percent_encoding_from_the_URI(string)
164    if string is None:
165        result = (string, True)
166        return result
167    string = remove_forbidden_file_names_from_the_URI(string)
168    if string[1]:
169        result = (string[0], True)
170        return result
171    is_not_safe = is_path_is_trying_to_leave_site_sandbox(string[0])
172    result = (string[0], is_not_safe)
173    return result
def web_server__is_redirection_to_the_main_domain_needed(httpParser: http_parser.parser.HttpParser, prefix=None):
176def web_server__is_redirection_to_the_main_domain_needed(httpParser: HttpParser, prefix=None):
177    functionResult = False
179    host = httpParser.get_headers()['Host']
180    domain = host
181    if ':' in host:
182        host = host.split(':')
183        while '' in host:
184            host.remove('')
185        domain = host[0]
186    if '.' in domain:
187        domain = domain.split('.')
188        if domain[0] == '':
189            del domain[0]
190            functionResult = True
191        if prefix is not None:
192            if domain[0] != prefix:
193                domain.insert(0, prefix)
194                functionResult = True
195        lastDLen = len(domain) - 1
196        if domain[lastDLen] == '':
197            del domain[lastDLen]
198            functionResult = True
199        domain = '.'.join(domain)
200    if host.__class__ is list:
201        if len(host) > 1:
202            host[0] = domain
203            domain = ':'.join(host)
205    functionResult = (functionResult, domain)
206    return functionResult
def load_cache_from_file(fileName, originalCache):
209def load_cache_from_file(fileName, originalCache):
210    fileName = unify_folder_separators(fileName)
211    cache = originalCache
212    if os.path.exists(fileName):
213        if os.path.isfile(fileName):
214            cacheDataFile = None
215            dataBuff = originalCache
216            try:
217                # cacheDataFile = open(fileName, 'rb')
218                cacheDataFile = lzma.open(fileName, 'rb')
219                cache = pickle.load(cacheDataFile)
220                dataBuff.update(cache)
221                cache = dataBuff
222            except(EnvironmentError, pickle.PicklingError) as err:
223                cache = dataBuff
224            finally:
225                if cacheDataFile is not None:
226                    cacheDataFile.close()
227    return cache
def save_cache_to_file(fileName, cache):
230def save_cache_to_file(fileName, cache):
231    fileName = unify_folder_separators(fileName)
232    if cache.isWasChanged:
233        isRenamedToBak = False
234        if os.path.exists(fileName):
235            try:
236                if os.path.exists(fileName+'.bak'):
237                    try:
238                        os.remove(fileName+'.bak')
239                    except IOError:
240                        pass
241                os.rename(fileName, fileName+'.bak')
242                isRenamedToBak = True
243            except IOError:
244                pass
246        isDumped = False
247        cacheDataFile = None
248        try:
249            # cacheDataFile = open(fileName, 'wb')
250            cacheDataFile = lzma.open(fileName, 'wb', format=lzma.FORMAT_XZ, check=lzma.CHECK_CRC64, preset=1)
251            pickle.dump(cache, cacheDataFile)
252            cache.isWasChanged = False
253            isDumped = True
254        except(EnvironmentError, pickle.PicklingError) as err:
255            pass
256        finally:
257            if cacheDataFile is not None:
258                cacheDataFile.close()
260        if isRenamedToBak and isDumped:
261            try:
262                os.remove(fileName+'.bak')
263            except IOError:
264                pass
class CachedRequestError(builtins.Exception):
267class CachedRequestError(Exception): pass

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

Inherited Members
def make_cached_request__get(cache, request, useOnlyCachedResults=False):
270def make_cached_request__get(cache, request, useOnlyCachedResults=False):
271    result = cache.try_to_get_data_for_request(request)
272    if (result is None) or (not result.ok):
273        if useOnlyCachedResults:
274            raise CachedRequestError()
275        result = requests.get(unify_folder_separators(request))
276        result = SerializableHttpResponseFromRequests(result)
277        cache.put_new_request(request, result)
279    return result
def make_cached_request__universal( cache, request, workerFunction, useOnlyCachedResults=False, **workerFunctionParams):
282def make_cached_request__universal(cache, request, workerFunction, useOnlyCachedResults=False, **workerFunctionParams):
283    result = cache.try_to_get_data_for_request(request)
284    if result is None:
285        if useOnlyCachedResults:
286            raise CachedRequestError()
287        result = workerFunction(**workerFunctionParams)
288        cache.put_new_request(request, result)
290    return result
def make_a_copy_of_cached_request_with_another_keyname(cache, current_name, new_name, make_first_copy_only=False):
293def make_a_copy_of_cached_request_with_another_keyname(cache, current_name, new_name, make_first_copy_only=False):
294    is_copy_avaliable = True
295    if make_first_copy_only:
296        test = cache.try_to_get_data_for_request(current_name)
297        if test is not None:
298            is_copy_avaliable = False
299    if is_copy_avaliable:
300        result = cache.try_to_get_data_for_request(current_name)
301        if result is not None:
302            cache.put_new_request(new_name, result)
class SerializableHttpResponseFromRequests:
305class SerializableHttpResponseFromRequests:
306    def __init__(self, request, isBinaryFile=False):
307        super(SerializableHttpResponseFromRequests, self).__init__()
308        self.isBinaryFile = isBinaryFile
309        self.url = request.url
310        self.ok = request.ok
311        self.reason = request.reason
312        self.status_code = request.status_code
313        self.headers = request.headers
314        self.encoding = request.encoding
316        if 'content' in dir(request):
317            self.content = request.content
318        else:
319            self.content = None
321        # if not isBinaryFile:
322        #     if 'apparent_encoding' in dir(request):
323        #         self.apparent_encoding = request.apparent_encoding
324        #     else:
325        #         self.apparent_encoding = None
326        # else:
327        #     self.apparent_encoding = None
328        self.apparent_encoding = None
330        # if (self.encoding is not None) or (self.apparent_encoding is not None):
331        #     self.text = request.text
332        # else:
333        #     self.text = None
334        self.text = None
336    def getResultEncoding(self):
337        if self.encoding is not None:
338            return self.encoding
339        elif self.apparent_encoding is not None:
340            return self.apparent_encoding
341        else:
342            return 'utf-8'
344    def getBytesContent(self):
345        if self.content is not None:
346            return self.content
347        elif self.text is not None:
348            bData = bytes(self.text, self.getResultEncoding())
349            return bData
350        else:
351            print("Can't get data from the request object on url ", self.url)
352            raise Exception
SerializableHttpResponseFromRequests(request, isBinaryFile=False)
306    def __init__(self, request, isBinaryFile=False):
307        super(SerializableHttpResponseFromRequests, self).__init__()
308        self.isBinaryFile = isBinaryFile
309        self.url = request.url
310        self.ok = request.ok
311        self.reason = request.reason
312        self.status_code = request.status_code
313        self.headers = request.headers
314        self.encoding = request.encoding
316        if 'content' in dir(request):
317            self.content = request.content
318        else:
319            self.content = None
321        # if not isBinaryFile:
322        #     if 'apparent_encoding' in dir(request):
323        #         self.apparent_encoding = request.apparent_encoding
324        #     else:
325        #         self.apparent_encoding = None
326        # else:
327        #     self.apparent_encoding = None
328        self.apparent_encoding = None
330        # if (self.encoding is not None) or (self.apparent_encoding is not None):
331        #     self.text = request.text
332        # else:
333        #     self.text = None
334        self.text = None
def getResultEncoding(self):
336    def getResultEncoding(self):
337        if self.encoding is not None:
338            return self.encoding
339        elif self.apparent_encoding is not None:
340            return self.apparent_encoding
341        else:
342            return 'utf-8'
def getBytesContent(self):
344    def getBytesContent(self):
345        if self.content is not None:
346            return self.content
347        elif self.text is not None:
348            bData = bytes(self.text, self.getResultEncoding())
349            return bData
350        else:
351            print("Can't get data from the request object on url ", self.url)
352            raise Exception
def saveRequestedFileToFS(folderName, requestResult):
355def saveRequestedFileToFS(folderName, requestResult):
356    fileName = folderName + os.path.basename(requestResult.url)
357    fileName = unify_folder_separators(fileName)
358    with open(fileName, 'wb') as file:
359        if requestResult.content is not None:
360            file.write(requestResult.content)
361        elif requestResult.text is not None:
362            bData = bytes(requestResult.text, requestResult.getResultEncoding())
363            file.write(bData)
364        else:
365            ex_text = "Can't save object from {} to the fie. Can't get data to save".format(requestResult.url)
366            print(ex_text)
367            raise Exception(ex_text)
def getFileModificationDate(fileName):
370def getFileModificationDate(fileName):
371    fileName = unify_folder_separators(fileName)
372    t = os.path.getmtime(fileName)
373    return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t)