
  1#!/usr/bin/env python
  2# coding=utf-8
  4# Copyright © 2012-2024 ButenkoMS. All rights reserved. Contacts: <gtalk@butenkoms.space>
  6# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  7# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  8# You may obtain a copy of the License at
 10#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 12# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 13# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 14# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 15# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 16# limitations under the License.
 18import socket
 19import errno
 20import copy
 21import enum
 22from contextlib import contextmanager
 25Module Docstring
 26Docstrings: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/
 29__author__ = "ButenkoMS <gtalk@butenkoms.space>"
 30__copyright__ = "Copyright © 2012-2024 ButenkoMS. All rights reserved. Contacts: <gtalk@butenkoms.space>"
 31__credits__ = ["ButenkoMS <gtalk@butenkoms.space>", ]
 32__license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0"
 33__version__ = "4.4.1"
 34__maintainer__ = "ButenkoMS <gtalk@butenkoms.space>"
 35__email__ = "gtalk@butenkoms.space"
 36# __status__ = "Prototype"
 37__status__ = "Development"
 38# __status__ = "Production"
 41class LoopIsAlreadyBegun(Exception):
 42    """
 43    You can not run NetIOUserApi.start() if it was already started (and still running).
 44    """
 45    pass
 48class WrongConnectionType(Exception):
 49    """
 50    You cannot run NetIOUserApi.make_connection() for ConnectionType.active_accepted connection. This kind of
 51    connections are made only from (and by) inside of IO loop and logic itself.
 52    """
 53    pass
 56class CanNotMakeConnection(Exception):
 57    """
 58    Currently not used. If there will be some exception on connect() call - it will be raised without any changes.
 59    """
 60    pass
 63class ConnectionType(enum.Enum):
 64    passive = 0  # passive socket (bind())
 65    active_accepted = 1  # active accepted socket (accept())
 66    active_connected = 2  # active connected socket (connect())
 69class ConnectionState(enum.Enum):
 70    not_connected_yet = 0  # socket is not in connection process
 71    waiting_for_connection = 1  # socket is in connection process (async connection is delayed)
 72    connected = 2  # socket is successfully connected
 73    worker_fault = 3  # there was unhandled exception from one of the WorkerBase callbacks
 74    io_fault = 4  # there was some IO trouble
 75    waiting_for_disconnection = 5  # connection was marked as "should be closed" but was not closed yet
 76    disconnected = 6  # socket is closed
 79class ConnectionInfo:
 80    def __init__(self,
 81                 worker_obj,
 82                 connection_type: ConnectionType,
 83                 socket_address=None,
 84                 socket_family=socket.AF_INET,
 85                 socket_type=socket.SOCK_STREAM,
 86                 socket_protocol=0,
 87                 socket_fileno=None,
 88                 backlog=0):
 89        """
 90        :param worker_obj: constructed worker object (see WorkerBase for more info). If this is a passive
 91            connection - it (worker_obj) will be inherited by the descendant active_accepted connections
 92            by copy.copy() call (see WorkerBase.__copy__() method for more info)
 93        :param connection_type: see ConnectionType() description
 94        :param socket_address:  see socket.bind()/socket.connect() docs
 95        :param socket_family: see socket.socket() docs
 96        :param socket_type: see socket.socket() docs
 97        :param socket_protocol: see socket.socket() docs
 98        :param socket_fileno: see socket.socket() docs
 99        :param backlog: see socket.listen() docs
100        """
101        self.worker_obj = worker_obj
102        self.connection_type = connection_type
103        self.socket_address = socket_address
104        self.socket_family = socket_family
105        self.socket_type = socket_type
106        self.socket_protocol = socket_protocol
107        self.socket_fileno = socket_fileno
108        self.backlog = backlog
111class Connection:
112    """
113    Connection class. Usually created by IO loop or by IO API. But you can also create it by yourself
114    """
115    def __init__(self,
116                 connection_id,
117                 connection_info: ConnectionInfo,
118                 connection_and_address_pair: tuple,
119                 connection_state: ConnectionState,
120                 connection_name=None,
121                 ):
122        """
123        :param connection_id: unique connection identificator (unique within the IO object). You may use some random
124            GUID if you are creating connection by your self.
125        :param connection_info: new connection will be created using information provided in connection_info object.
126            See ConnectionInfo() for more information
127        :param connection_and_address_pair: (conn, address) tuple where conn is connected socket (or it can be socket
128            is in the process of connection. But only if it was made by IO loop.).
129        :param connection_state: see ConnectionState for more information
130        :param connection_name: name of the connection (if it was provided)
131        """
132        self.connection_id = connection_id
133        self.connection_info = connection_info
134        self.conn, self.address = connection_and_address_pair
135        self.connection_state = connection_state
136        self.connection_name = connection_name
137        self.worker_obj = connection_info.worker_obj
138        self.read_data = b''  # already read data
139        self.must_be_written_data = memoryview(b'')  # this data should be written
140        self.force_write_call = False
142    def add_must_be_written_data(self, data):
143        """
144        Use this method to add data to output buffers
145        :param data: some new output data to be send through this connection
146        :return:
147        """
148        self.must_be_written_data = memoryview(bytes(self.must_be_written_data) + data)
151class NetIOUserApi:
152    """
153    You may rely and use freely use methods of this base class from inside your program or from inside your worker
154    (WorkerBase).
155    """
156    def __init__(self):
157        super().__init__()
158        self.all_connections = set()
159        self.passive_connections = set()
161        self.connection_by_id = dict()
162        self.connection_by_name = dict()
163        self.connection_by_fileno = dict()
165    def start(self, destroy_on_finish=True):
166        """
167        Will start IO loop
168        :param destroy_on_finish: if True - destroy() will be called from inside of this method
169        :return:
170        """
171        raise NotImplementedError()
173    def stop(self):
174        """
175        Will initiate IO loop stop process
176        :return:
177        """
178        raise NotImplementedError()
180    def make_connection(self, connection_info: ConnectionInfo = None, name=None)->Connection:
181        """
182        Will create connection from given connection_info object. Than connection will be established. Immediate or
183        delayed - depends on the connection type:
184        - ConnectionType.passive - immediate;
185        - ConnectionType.active_connected - delayed.
186        In both cases WorkerBase.on_connect will be called immediately after connection will be successfully
187        established (IF it will be successfully established).
188        :param connection_info: new connection will be created using information provided in connection_info object.
189            See ConnectionInfo() for more information
190        :param name: name of the connection. If you'll provide it - you will be able to find this connection in
191            NetIOUserApi.connection_by_name dictionary by it's name.
192        :return:
193        """
194        raise NotImplementedError()
196    def add_connection(self, connection: Connection):
197        """
198        Will register already established connection. You need to use this method for example if you have already
199        connected socket
200        :param connection:
201        :return:
202        """
203        raise NotImplementedError()
205    def remove_connection(self, connection: Connection):
206        """
207        Will close and remove connection
208        :param connection:
209        :return:
210        """
211        raise NotImplementedError()
213    def check_is_connection_need_to_sent_data(self, connection: Connection):
214        """
215        Will check connection to output data presence. It is automatically called after EACH WorkerBase callback call
216        by the IO loop. But if you are filling other connection's output buffer - you'll need to make this call for that
217        connection by your self.
218        :param connection:
219        :return:
220        """
221        raise NotImplementedError()
224class NetIOCallbacks:
225    """
226    Callbacks from this class will be called from inside (and by) IOMethodBase loop.
227    """
228    def __init__(self):
229        super().__init__()
231    def on_accept_connection(self, connection: Connection):
232        raise NotImplementedError()
234    def on_connected(self, connection: Connection):
235        raise NotImplementedError()
237    def on_read(self, connection: Connection):
238        raise NotImplementedError()
240    def on_write(self, connection: Connection):
241        raise NotImplementedError()
243    def on_close(self, connection: Connection):
244        raise NotImplementedError()
247class NetIOBase(NetIOUserApi, NetIOCallbacks):
248    """
249    Base class for any IO implementation (Linux, BSD, Windows, cross platform, etc.).
250    """
251    def __init__(self, transport):
252        """
254        :param transport: class of the desired IOMethod. Instance (object) will be created by NetIOBase itself
255        """
256        super().__init__()
257        self.method = transport(self)
259    def destroy(self):
260        raise NotImplementedError()
263class WorkerBase:
264    """
265    Base class for all workers.
266    on_* callbacks will be called by the IO loop.
268    General info:
269    You can read input data from self.connection at any time (see "Caution" section of __init__ doc string) from any
270    callback.
271    You can write output data (to be send) to self.connection at any time (see "Caution") from any callback.
272    """
273    def __init__(self, api: NetIOUserApi=None, connection: Connection=None):
274        """
275        Caution:
276        Please do not rely on self.api and self.connection inside of your __init__ constructor: it is guaranteed that
277        they will be set before any callback call, but not at the construction process.
279        :param api: link to the constructed network io object
280        :param connection: link to the constructed connection object
281        """
282        self.api = api
283        self.connection = connection
285    def on_connect(self):
286        """
287        Will be called after connection successfully established
288        :return:
289        """
290        pass
292    def on_read(self):
293        """
294        Will be called if there is some NEW data in the connection input buffer
295        :return:
296        """
297        pass
299    def on_no_more_data_to_write(self):
300        """
301        Will be called after all data is sent.
302        Normally it will be called once (one single shot after each portion of out data is sent).
303        If you'll set self.connection.force_write_call to True state - this callback may be called continuously
304        (but not guaranteed: it depends of used IOMethod implementation)
305        :return:
306        """
307        pass
309    def on_connection_lost(self):
310        """
311        Will be called AFTER connection socket was actually closed and removed from IOMethod checking list.
312        At this time, self.connection.connection_state is already set to ConnectionState.disconnected.
313        :return:
314        """
315        pass
317    def __copy__(self):
318        """
319        This method SHOULD be implemented. It should create a new instance and copy some global (shared) data from
320        current object to that new instance. It will be called when new peer is connected to existing passive connection
321        So this is the way you may use to give all new connection some links to some global data by worker object of
322        the passive connection replication process.
323        :return:
324        """
325        raise NotImplementedError()
329def net_io(net_io_obj: NetIOBase):
330    """
331    Context manager.
332    Usage:
334    main_io = NetIOBase()
335    with(net_io(main_io)) as io:
336        print('Preparing connections')
337        connection1 = io.make_connection(...)
338        connection2 = io.make_connection(...)
339        k = c + 12
340        ...
341        connectionN = io.make_connection(...)
342        print('Starting IO loop')
343    print('IO loop was finished properly')
346    :param net_io_obj: constructed IO instance (object)
347    :return:
348    """
349    try:
350        yield net_io_obj
351        net_io_obj.start(destroy_on_finish=False)
352    finally:
353        net_io_obj.destroy()
356class IOMethodBase:
357    """
358    Base class for all IOMethod implementation (select, epoll, overlapped io, kqueue, etc.)
359    All his methods are called by the NetIOBase instance.
360    """
361    def __init__(self, interface: NetIOBase):
362        self.interface = interface
363        self.should_be_closed = set()
364        pass
366    def loop_iteration(self, timeout=None):
367        """
368        Single IO loop iteration.
369        This method holds all IOMethod logic.
370        :return:
371        """
372        raise NotImplementedError()
374    def destroy(self):
375        """
376        Initiates destruction process
377        :return:
378        """
379        raise NotImplementedError()
381    def set__can_read(self, conn: socket.socket, state=True):
382        """
383        Will allow (True) or disallow (False) "socket available to read" checks for socket
384        :param conn: target socket
385        :param state: True - allow; False - disallow
386        :return:
387        """
388        raise NotImplementedError()
390    def set__need_write(self, conn: socket.socket, state=True):
391        """
392        Will allow (True) or disallow (False) "socket available to write" checks for socket
393        :param conn: target socket
394        :param state: True - allow; False - disallow
395        :return:
396        """
397        raise NotImplementedError()
399    def set__should_be_closed(self, conn: socket.socket):
400        """
401        Mark socket as "should be closed"
402        :param conn: target socket
403        :return:
404        """
405        raise NotImplementedError()
407    def add_connection(self, conn: socket.socket):
408        """
409        Will add socket to the internal connections list
410        :param conn: target socket
411        :return:
412        """
413        raise NotImplementedError()
415    def remove_connection(self, conn: socket.socket):
416        """
417        Will remove socket from the internal connections list
418        :param conn: target socket
419        :return:
420        """
421        raise NotImplementedError()
class LoopIsAlreadyBegun(builtins.Exception):
42class LoopIsAlreadyBegun(Exception):
43    """
44    You can not run NetIOUserApi.start() if it was already started (and still running).
45    """
46    pass

You can not run NetIOUserApi.start() if it was already started (and still running).

Inherited Members
class WrongConnectionType(builtins.Exception):
49class WrongConnectionType(Exception):
50    """
51    You cannot run NetIOUserApi.make_connection() for ConnectionType.active_accepted connection. This kind of
52    connections are made only from (and by) inside of IO loop and logic itself.
53    """
54    pass

You cannot run NetIOUserApi.make_connection() for ConnectionType.active_accepted connection. This kind of connections are made only from (and by) inside of IO loop and logic itself.

Inherited Members
class CanNotMakeConnection(builtins.Exception):
57class CanNotMakeConnection(Exception):
58    """
59    Currently not used. If there will be some exception on connect() call - it will be raised without any changes.
60    """
61    pass

Currently not used. If there will be some exception on connect() call - it will be raised without any changes.

Inherited Members
class ConnectionType(enum.Enum):
64class ConnectionType(enum.Enum):
65    passive = 0  # passive socket (bind())
66    active_accepted = 1  # active accepted socket (accept())
67    active_connected = 2  # active connected socket (connect())

An enumeration.

passive = <ConnectionType.passive: 0>
active_accepted = <ConnectionType.active_accepted: 1>
active_connected = <ConnectionType.active_connected: 2>
Inherited Members
class ConnectionState(enum.Enum):
70class ConnectionState(enum.Enum):
71    not_connected_yet = 0  # socket is not in connection process
72    waiting_for_connection = 1  # socket is in connection process (async connection is delayed)
73    connected = 2  # socket is successfully connected
74    worker_fault = 3  # there was unhandled exception from one of the WorkerBase callbacks
75    io_fault = 4  # there was some IO trouble
76    waiting_for_disconnection = 5  # connection was marked as "should be closed" but was not closed yet
77    disconnected = 6  # socket is closed

An enumeration.

not_connected_yet = <ConnectionState.not_connected_yet: 0>
waiting_for_connection = <ConnectionState.waiting_for_connection: 1>
connected = <ConnectionState.connected: 2>
worker_fault = <ConnectionState.worker_fault: 3>
io_fault = <ConnectionState.io_fault: 4>
waiting_for_disconnection = <ConnectionState.waiting_for_disconnection: 5>
disconnected = <ConnectionState.disconnected: 6>
Inherited Members
class ConnectionInfo:
 80class ConnectionInfo:
 81    def __init__(self,
 82                 worker_obj,
 83                 connection_type: ConnectionType,
 84                 socket_address=None,
 85                 socket_family=socket.AF_INET,
 86                 socket_type=socket.SOCK_STREAM,
 87                 socket_protocol=0,
 88                 socket_fileno=None,
 89                 backlog=0):
 90        """
 91        :param worker_obj: constructed worker object (see WorkerBase for more info). If this is a passive
 92            connection - it (worker_obj) will be inherited by the descendant active_accepted connections
 93            by copy.copy() call (see WorkerBase.__copy__() method for more info)
 94        :param connection_type: see ConnectionType() description
 95        :param socket_address:  see socket.bind()/socket.connect() docs
 96        :param socket_family: see socket.socket() docs
 97        :param socket_type: see socket.socket() docs
 98        :param socket_protocol: see socket.socket() docs
 99        :param socket_fileno: see socket.socket() docs
100        :param backlog: see socket.listen() docs
101        """
102        self.worker_obj = worker_obj
103        self.connection_type = connection_type
104        self.socket_address = socket_address
105        self.socket_family = socket_family
106        self.socket_type = socket_type
107        self.socket_protocol = socket_protocol
108        self.socket_fileno = socket_fileno
109        self.backlog = backlog
ConnectionInfo( worker_obj, connection_type: ConnectionType, socket_address=None, socket_family=<AddressFamily.AF_INET: 2>, socket_type=<SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM: 1>, socket_protocol=0, socket_fileno=None, backlog=0)
 81    def __init__(self,
 82                 worker_obj,
 83                 connection_type: ConnectionType,
 84                 socket_address=None,
 85                 socket_family=socket.AF_INET,
 86                 socket_type=socket.SOCK_STREAM,
 87                 socket_protocol=0,
 88                 socket_fileno=None,
 89                 backlog=0):
 90        """
 91        :param worker_obj: constructed worker object (see WorkerBase for more info). If this is a passive
 92            connection - it (worker_obj) will be inherited by the descendant active_accepted connections
 93            by copy.copy() call (see WorkerBase.__copy__() method for more info)
 94        :param connection_type: see ConnectionType() description
 95        :param socket_address:  see socket.bind()/socket.connect() docs
 96        :param socket_family: see socket.socket() docs
 97        :param socket_type: see socket.socket() docs
 98        :param socket_protocol: see socket.socket() docs
 99        :param socket_fileno: see socket.socket() docs
100        :param backlog: see socket.listen() docs
101        """
102        self.worker_obj = worker_obj
103        self.connection_type = connection_type
104        self.socket_address = socket_address
105        self.socket_family = socket_family
106        self.socket_type = socket_type
107        self.socket_protocol = socket_protocol
108        self.socket_fileno = socket_fileno
109        self.backlog = backlog

:param worker_obj: constructed worker object (see WorkerBase for more info). If this is a passive connection - it (worker_obj) will be inherited by the descendant active_accepted connections by copy.copy() call (see WorkerBase.__copy__() method for more info) :param connection_type: see ConnectionType() description :param socket_address: see socket.bind()/socket.connect() docs :param socket_family: see socket.socket() docs :param socket_type: see socket.socket() docs :param socket_protocol: see socket.socket() docs :param socket_fileno: see socket.socket() docs :param backlog: see socket.listen() docs

class Connection:
112class Connection:
113    """
114    Connection class. Usually created by IO loop or by IO API. But you can also create it by yourself
115    """
116    def __init__(self,
117                 connection_id,
118                 connection_info: ConnectionInfo,
119                 connection_and_address_pair: tuple,
120                 connection_state: ConnectionState,
121                 connection_name=None,
122                 ):
123        """
124        :param connection_id: unique connection identificator (unique within the IO object). You may use some random
125            GUID if you are creating connection by your self.
126        :param connection_info: new connection will be created using information provided in connection_info object.
127            See ConnectionInfo() for more information
128        :param connection_and_address_pair: (conn, address) tuple where conn is connected socket (or it can be socket
129            is in the process of connection. But only if it was made by IO loop.).
130        :param connection_state: see ConnectionState for more information
131        :param connection_name: name of the connection (if it was provided)
132        """
133        self.connection_id = connection_id
134        self.connection_info = connection_info
135        self.conn, self.address = connection_and_address_pair
136        self.connection_state = connection_state
137        self.connection_name = connection_name
138        self.worker_obj = connection_info.worker_obj
139        self.read_data = b''  # already read data
140        self.must_be_written_data = memoryview(b'')  # this data should be written
141        self.force_write_call = False
143    def add_must_be_written_data(self, data):
144        """
145        Use this method to add data to output buffers
146        :param data: some new output data to be send through this connection
147        :return:
148        """
149        self.must_be_written_data = memoryview(bytes(self.must_be_written_data) + data)

Connection class. Usually created by IO loop or by IO API. But you can also create it by yourself

Connection( connection_id, connection_info: ConnectionInfo, connection_and_address_pair: tuple, connection_state: ConnectionState, connection_name=None)
116    def __init__(self,
117                 connection_id,
118                 connection_info: ConnectionInfo,
119                 connection_and_address_pair: tuple,
120                 connection_state: ConnectionState,
121                 connection_name=None,
122                 ):
123        """
124        :param connection_id: unique connection identificator (unique within the IO object). You may use some random
125            GUID if you are creating connection by your self.
126        :param connection_info: new connection will be created using information provided in connection_info object.
127            See ConnectionInfo() for more information
128        :param connection_and_address_pair: (conn, address) tuple where conn is connected socket (or it can be socket
129            is in the process of connection. But only if it was made by IO loop.).
130        :param connection_state: see ConnectionState for more information
131        :param connection_name: name of the connection (if it was provided)
132        """
133        self.connection_id = connection_id
134        self.connection_info = connection_info
135        self.conn, self.address = connection_and_address_pair
136        self.connection_state = connection_state
137        self.connection_name = connection_name
138        self.worker_obj = connection_info.worker_obj
139        self.read_data = b''  # already read data
140        self.must_be_written_data = memoryview(b'')  # this data should be written
141        self.force_write_call = False

:param connection_id: unique connection identificator (unique within the IO object). You may use some random GUID if you are creating connection by your self. :param connection_info: new connection will be created using information provided in connection_info object. See ConnectionInfo() for more information :param connection_and_address_pair: (conn, address) tuple where conn is connected socket (or it can be socket is in the process of connection. But only if it was made by IO loop.). :param connection_state: see ConnectionState for more information :param connection_name: name of the connection (if it was provided)

def add_must_be_written_data(self, data):
143    def add_must_be_written_data(self, data):
144        """
145        Use this method to add data to output buffers
146        :param data: some new output data to be send through this connection
147        :return:
148        """
149        self.must_be_written_data = memoryview(bytes(self.must_be_written_data) + data)

Use this method to add data to output buffers :param data: some new output data to be send through this connection :return:

class NetIOUserApi:
152class NetIOUserApi:
153    """
154    You may rely and use freely use methods of this base class from inside your program or from inside your worker
155    (WorkerBase).
156    """
157    def __init__(self):
158        super().__init__()
159        self.all_connections = set()
160        self.passive_connections = set()
162        self.connection_by_id = dict()
163        self.connection_by_name = dict()
164        self.connection_by_fileno = dict()
166    def start(self, destroy_on_finish=True):
167        """
168        Will start IO loop
169        :param destroy_on_finish: if True - destroy() will be called from inside of this method
170        :return:
171        """
172        raise NotImplementedError()
174    def stop(self):
175        """
176        Will initiate IO loop stop process
177        :return:
178        """
179        raise NotImplementedError()
181    def make_connection(self, connection_info: ConnectionInfo = None, name=None)->Connection:
182        """
183        Will create connection from given connection_info object. Than connection will be established. Immediate or
184        delayed - depends on the connection type:
185        - ConnectionType.passive - immediate;
186        - ConnectionType.active_connected - delayed.
187        In both cases WorkerBase.on_connect will be called immediately after connection will be successfully
188        established (IF it will be successfully established).
189        :param connection_info: new connection will be created using information provided in connection_info object.
190            See ConnectionInfo() for more information
191        :param name: name of the connection. If you'll provide it - you will be able to find this connection in
192            NetIOUserApi.connection_by_name dictionary by it's name.
193        :return:
194        """
195        raise NotImplementedError()
197    def add_connection(self, connection: Connection):
198        """
199        Will register already established connection. You need to use this method for example if you have already
200        connected socket
201        :param connection:
202        :return:
203        """
204        raise NotImplementedError()
206    def remove_connection(self, connection: Connection):
207        """
208        Will close and remove connection
209        :param connection:
210        :return:
211        """
212        raise NotImplementedError()
214    def check_is_connection_need_to_sent_data(self, connection: Connection):
215        """
216        Will check connection to output data presence. It is automatically called after EACH WorkerBase callback call
217        by the IO loop. But if you are filling other connection's output buffer - you'll need to make this call for that
218        connection by your self.
219        :param connection:
220        :return:
221        """
222        raise NotImplementedError()

You may rely and use freely use methods of this base class from inside your program or from inside your worker (WorkerBase).

def start(self, destroy_on_finish=True):
166    def start(self, destroy_on_finish=True):
167        """
168        Will start IO loop
169        :param destroy_on_finish: if True - destroy() will be called from inside of this method
170        :return:
171        """
172        raise NotImplementedError()

Will start IO loop :param destroy_on_finish: if True - destroy() will be called from inside of this method :return:

def stop(self):
174    def stop(self):
175        """
176        Will initiate IO loop stop process
177        :return:
178        """
179        raise NotImplementedError()

Will initiate IO loop stop process :return:

def make_connection( self, connection_info: ConnectionInfo = None, name=None) -> Connection:
181    def make_connection(self, connection_info: ConnectionInfo = None, name=None)->Connection:
182        """
183        Will create connection from given connection_info object. Than connection will be established. Immediate or
184        delayed - depends on the connection type:
185        - ConnectionType.passive - immediate;
186        - ConnectionType.active_connected - delayed.
187        In both cases WorkerBase.on_connect will be called immediately after connection will be successfully
188        established (IF it will be successfully established).
189        :param connection_info: new connection will be created using information provided in connection_info object.
190            See ConnectionInfo() for more information
191        :param name: name of the connection. If you'll provide it - you will be able to find this connection in
192            NetIOUserApi.connection_by_name dictionary by it's name.
193        :return:
194        """
195        raise NotImplementedError()

Will create connection from given connection_info object. Than connection will be established. Immediate or delayed - depends on the connection type:

  • ConnectionType.passive - immediate;
  • ConnectionType.active_connected - delayed. In both cases WorkerBase.on_connect will be called immediately after connection will be successfully established (IF it will be successfully established). :param connection_info: new connection will be created using information provided in connection_info object. See ConnectionInfo() for more information :param name: name of the connection. If you'll provide it - you will be able to find this connection in NetIOUserApi.connection_by_name dictionary by it's name. :return:
def add_connection( self, connection: Connection):
197    def add_connection(self, connection: Connection):
198        """
199        Will register already established connection. You need to use this method for example if you have already
200        connected socket
201        :param connection:
202        :return:
203        """
204        raise NotImplementedError()

Will register already established connection. You need to use this method for example if you have already connected socket :param connection: :return:

def remove_connection( self, connection: Connection):
206    def remove_connection(self, connection: Connection):
207        """
208        Will close and remove connection
209        :param connection:
210        :return:
211        """
212        raise NotImplementedError()

Will close and remove connection :param connection: :return:

def check_is_connection_need_to_sent_data( self, connection: Connection):
214    def check_is_connection_need_to_sent_data(self, connection: Connection):
215        """
216        Will check connection to output data presence. It is automatically called after EACH WorkerBase callback call
217        by the IO loop. But if you are filling other connection's output buffer - you'll need to make this call for that
218        connection by your self.
219        :param connection:
220        :return:
221        """
222        raise NotImplementedError()

Will check connection to output data presence. It is automatically called after EACH WorkerBase callback call by the IO loop. But if you are filling other connection's output buffer - you'll need to make this call for that connection by your self. :param connection: :return:

class NetIOCallbacks:
225class NetIOCallbacks:
226    """
227    Callbacks from this class will be called from inside (and by) IOMethodBase loop.
228    """
229    def __init__(self):
230        super().__init__()
232    def on_accept_connection(self, connection: Connection):
233        raise NotImplementedError()
235    def on_connected(self, connection: Connection):
236        raise NotImplementedError()
238    def on_read(self, connection: Connection):
239        raise NotImplementedError()
241    def on_write(self, connection: Connection):
242        raise NotImplementedError()
244    def on_close(self, connection: Connection):
245        raise NotImplementedError()

Callbacks from this class will be called from inside (and by) IOMethodBase loop.

def on_accept_connection( self, connection: Connection):
232    def on_accept_connection(self, connection: Connection):
233        raise NotImplementedError()
def on_connected( self, connection: Connection):
235    def on_connected(self, connection: Connection):
236        raise NotImplementedError()
def on_read( self, connection: Connection):
238    def on_read(self, connection: Connection):
239        raise NotImplementedError()
def on_write( self, connection: Connection):
241    def on_write(self, connection: Connection):
242        raise NotImplementedError()
def on_close( self, connection: Connection):
244    def on_close(self, connection: Connection):
245        raise NotImplementedError()
class NetIOBase(NetIOUserApi, NetIOCallbacks):
248class NetIOBase(NetIOUserApi, NetIOCallbacks):
249    """
250    Base class for any IO implementation (Linux, BSD, Windows, cross platform, etc.).
251    """
252    def __init__(self, transport):
253        """
255        :param transport: class of the desired IOMethod. Instance (object) will be created by NetIOBase itself
256        """
257        super().__init__()
258        self.method = transport(self)
260    def destroy(self):
261        raise NotImplementedError()

Base class for any IO implementation (Linux, BSD, Windows, cross platform, etc.).

252    def __init__(self, transport):
253        """
255        :param transport: class of the desired IOMethod. Instance (object) will be created by NetIOBase itself
256        """
257        super().__init__()
258        self.method = transport(self)

:param transport: class of the desired IOMethod. Instance (object) will be created by NetIOBase itself

def destroy(self):
260    def destroy(self):
261        raise NotImplementedError()
class WorkerBase:
264class WorkerBase:
265    """
266    Base class for all workers.
267    on_* callbacks will be called by the IO loop.
269    General info:
270    You can read input data from self.connection at any time (see "Caution" section of __init__ doc string) from any
271    callback.
272    You can write output data (to be send) to self.connection at any time (see "Caution") from any callback.
273    """
274    def __init__(self, api: NetIOUserApi=None, connection: Connection=None):
275        """
276        Caution:
277        Please do not rely on self.api and self.connection inside of your __init__ constructor: it is guaranteed that
278        they will be set before any callback call, but not at the construction process.
280        :param api: link to the constructed network io object
281        :param connection: link to the constructed connection object
282        """
283        self.api = api
284        self.connection = connection
286    def on_connect(self):
287        """
288        Will be called after connection successfully established
289        :return:
290        """
291        pass
293    def on_read(self):
294        """
295        Will be called if there is some NEW data in the connection input buffer
296        :return:
297        """
298        pass
300    def on_no_more_data_to_write(self):
301        """
302        Will be called after all data is sent.
303        Normally it will be called once (one single shot after each portion of out data is sent).
304        If you'll set self.connection.force_write_call to True state - this callback may be called continuously
305        (but not guaranteed: it depends of used IOMethod implementation)
306        :return:
307        """
308        pass
310    def on_connection_lost(self):
311        """
312        Will be called AFTER connection socket was actually closed and removed from IOMethod checking list.
313        At this time, self.connection.connection_state is already set to ConnectionState.disconnected.
314        :return:
315        """
316        pass
318    def __copy__(self):
319        """
320        This method SHOULD be implemented. It should create a new instance and copy some global (shared) data from
321        current object to that new instance. It will be called when new peer is connected to existing passive connection
322        So this is the way you may use to give all new connection some links to some global data by worker object of
323        the passive connection replication process.
324        :return:
325        """
326        raise NotImplementedError()

Base class for all workers. on_* callbacks will be called by the IO loop.

General info: You can read input data from self.connection at any time (see "Caution" section of __init__ doc string) from any callback. You can write output data (to be send) to self.connection at any time (see "Caution") from any callback.

WorkerBase( api: NetIOUserApi = None, connection: Connection = None)
274    def __init__(self, api: NetIOUserApi=None, connection: Connection=None):
275        """
276        Caution:
277        Please do not rely on self.api and self.connection inside of your __init__ constructor: it is guaranteed that
278        they will be set before any callback call, but not at the construction process.
280        :param api: link to the constructed network io object
281        :param connection: link to the constructed connection object
282        """
283        self.api = api
284        self.connection = connection

Caution: Please do not rely on self.api and self.connection inside of your __init__ constructor: it is guaranteed that they will be set before any callback call, but not at the construction process.

:param api: link to the constructed network io object :param connection: link to the constructed connection object

def on_connect(self):
286    def on_connect(self):
287        """
288        Will be called after connection successfully established
289        :return:
290        """
291        pass

Will be called after connection successfully established :return:

def on_read(self):
293    def on_read(self):
294        """
295        Will be called if there is some NEW data in the connection input buffer
296        :return:
297        """
298        pass

Will be called if there is some NEW data in the connection input buffer :return:

def on_no_more_data_to_write(self):
300    def on_no_more_data_to_write(self):
301        """
302        Will be called after all data is sent.
303        Normally it will be called once (one single shot after each portion of out data is sent).
304        If you'll set self.connection.force_write_call to True state - this callback may be called continuously
305        (but not guaranteed: it depends of used IOMethod implementation)
306        :return:
307        """
308        pass

Will be called after all data is sent. Normally it will be called once (one single shot after each portion of out data is sent). If you'll set self.connection.force_write_call to True state - this callback may be called continuously (but not guaranteed: it depends of used IOMethod implementation) :return:

def on_connection_lost(self):
310    def on_connection_lost(self):
311        """
312        Will be called AFTER connection socket was actually closed and removed from IOMethod checking list.
313        At this time, self.connection.connection_state is already set to ConnectionState.disconnected.
314        :return:
315        """
316        pass

Will be called AFTER connection socket was actually closed and removed from IOMethod checking list. At this time, self.connection.connection_state is already set to ConnectionState.disconnected. :return:

def net_io(net_io_obj: NetIOBase):
330def net_io(net_io_obj: NetIOBase):
331    """
332    Context manager.
333    Usage:
335    main_io = NetIOBase()
336    with(net_io(main_io)) as io:
337        print('Preparing connections')
338        connection1 = io.make_connection(...)
339        connection2 = io.make_connection(...)
340        k = c + 12
341        ...
342        connectionN = io.make_connection(...)
343        print('Starting IO loop')
344    print('IO loop was finished properly')
347    :param net_io_obj: constructed IO instance (object)
348    :return:
349    """
350    try:
351        yield net_io_obj
352        net_io_obj.start(destroy_on_finish=False)
353    finally:
354        net_io_obj.destroy()

Context manager. Usage:

main_io = NetIOBase() with(net_io(main_io)) as io: print('Preparing connections') connection1 = io.make_connection(...) connection2 = io.make_connection(...) k = c + 12 ... connectionN = io.make_connection(...) print('Starting IO loop') print('IO loop was finished properly')

:param net_io_obj: constructed IO instance (object) :return:

class IOMethodBase:
357class IOMethodBase:
358    """
359    Base class for all IOMethod implementation (select, epoll, overlapped io, kqueue, etc.)
360    All his methods are called by the NetIOBase instance.
361    """
362    def __init__(self, interface: NetIOBase):
363        self.interface = interface
364        self.should_be_closed = set()
365        pass
367    def loop_iteration(self, timeout=None):
368        """
369        Single IO loop iteration.
370        This method holds all IOMethod logic.
371        :return:
372        """
373        raise NotImplementedError()
375    def destroy(self):
376        """
377        Initiates destruction process
378        :return:
379        """
380        raise NotImplementedError()
382    def set__can_read(self, conn: socket.socket, state=True):
383        """
384        Will allow (True) or disallow (False) "socket available to read" checks for socket
385        :param conn: target socket
386        :param state: True - allow; False - disallow
387        :return:
388        """
389        raise NotImplementedError()
391    def set__need_write(self, conn: socket.socket, state=True):
392        """
393        Will allow (True) or disallow (False) "socket available to write" checks for socket
394        :param conn: target socket
395        :param state: True - allow; False - disallow
396        :return:
397        """
398        raise NotImplementedError()
400    def set__should_be_closed(self, conn: socket.socket):
401        """
402        Mark socket as "should be closed"
403        :param conn: target socket
404        :return:
405        """
406        raise NotImplementedError()
408    def add_connection(self, conn: socket.socket):
409        """
410        Will add socket to the internal connections list
411        :param conn: target socket
412        :return:
413        """
414        raise NotImplementedError()
416    def remove_connection(self, conn: socket.socket):
417        """
418        Will remove socket from the internal connections list
419        :param conn: target socket
420        :return:
421        """
422        raise NotImplementedError()

Base class for all IOMethod implementation (select, epoll, overlapped io, kqueue, etc.) All his methods are called by the NetIOBase instance.

IOMethodBase(interface: NetIOBase)
362    def __init__(self, interface: NetIOBase):
363        self.interface = interface
364        self.should_be_closed = set()
365        pass
def loop_iteration(self, timeout=None):
367    def loop_iteration(self, timeout=None):
368        """
369        Single IO loop iteration.
370        This method holds all IOMethod logic.
371        :return:
372        """
373        raise NotImplementedError()

Single IO loop iteration. This method holds all IOMethod logic. :return:

def destroy(self):
375    def destroy(self):
376        """
377        Initiates destruction process
378        :return:
379        """
380        raise NotImplementedError()

Initiates destruction process :return:

def set__can_read(self, conn: socket.socket, state=True):
382    def set__can_read(self, conn: socket.socket, state=True):
383        """
384        Will allow (True) or disallow (False) "socket available to read" checks for socket
385        :param conn: target socket
386        :param state: True - allow; False - disallow
387        :return:
388        """
389        raise NotImplementedError()

Will allow (True) or disallow (False) "socket available to read" checks for socket :param conn: target socket :param state: True - allow; False - disallow :return:

def set__need_write(self, conn: socket.socket, state=True):
391    def set__need_write(self, conn: socket.socket, state=True):
392        """
393        Will allow (True) or disallow (False) "socket available to write" checks for socket
394        :param conn: target socket
395        :param state: True - allow; False - disallow
396        :return:
397        """
398        raise NotImplementedError()

Will allow (True) or disallow (False) "socket available to write" checks for socket :param conn: target socket :param state: True - allow; False - disallow :return:

def set__should_be_closed(self, conn: socket.socket):
400    def set__should_be_closed(self, conn: socket.socket):
401        """
402        Mark socket as "should be closed"
403        :param conn: target socket
404        :return:
405        """
406        raise NotImplementedError()

Mark socket as "should be closed" :param conn: target socket :return:

def add_connection(self, conn: socket.socket):
408    def add_connection(self, conn: socket.socket):
409        """
410        Will add socket to the internal connections list
411        :param conn: target socket
412        :return:
413        """
414        raise NotImplementedError()

Will add socket to the internal connections list :param conn: target socket :return:

def remove_connection(self, conn: socket.socket):
416    def remove_connection(self, conn: socket.socket):
417        """
418        Will remove socket from the internal connections list
419        :param conn: target socket
420        :return:
421        """
422        raise NotImplementedError()

Will remove socket from the internal connections list :param conn: target socket :return: