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Share your data between your Python processes (2 processes currently) and work with them as usual. Work across different processes is made turn by turn (fast operation: using full memory barrier instead of system calls)

Supported types (currently):

  • list - Unlike multiprocessing.shared_memory.ShareableList: mutable and resizable between different processes, supports other containers (lists, tuples, dicts) as an items and implements all list methods. Faster than multiprocessing.shared_memory.ShareableList.
  • dict - currently immutable
  • tuple
  • str
  • bytes
  • bytearray
  • bool
  • float - Unlike values in multiprocessing.shared_memory.ShareableList, supports Addition Assignment (shared_list[20] += 999.3) and all other native methods and operators
  • int - int64, currently. Unlike values in multiprocessing.shared_memory.ShareableList, supports Addition Assignment (shared_list[15] += 999) and all other native methods and operators
  • None


and smaller:

from multiprocessing import Process
from cengal.hardware.memory.shared_memory import *

shared_memory_name = 'test_shared_mem'
shared_memory_size = 200 * 1024 * 1024
switches = 1000
changes_per_switch = 2000

def work(manager, shared_data)
    index = 0
    while index < switches:
        with wait_my_turn(manager):
            # emulatin our working process
            for i in range(changes_per_switch):
                shared_data[1] += 1

def second_process():
    consumer: SharedMemory = SharedMemory('test_shmem', False)
    with consumer:
        with wait_my_turn(consumer):
            shared_data = consumer.take_message()

        work(consumer, shared_data)

creator: SharedMemory = SharedMemory(shared_memory_name, True, shared_memory_size)
with creator:
    p = Process(target=second_process)
    with wait_my_turn(creator):
        data = [
            (8, 2.0, False),
                b'world': -6,
                5: 4
        shared_data = creator.put_message(data)

    work(creator, shared_data)

Performance Benchmark results

Shared list container (which is not yet fully optimizes currently) is already faster than multiprocessing.shared_memory.ShareableList. And unlike multiprocessing.shared_memory.ShareableList supports Addition Assignment (shared_list[15] += 999) and all other native methods and operators of items. It provides an ability to make more than 30000000 reads/writes per second of an int64 value (shared_list[2] = 1234 / val = shared_list[7]) or more than 1450000 addition assignments per second (shared_list[15] += 999).

Benchmark Results


  • Continuosly moving more logic to Cython
  • Implement mutable dict and set using an appropricate C hashmap library or C++ code (depending what will be faster in our case)
  • Increase number of interacting processes from 2 to variable value
  • Implement garbage collector for shared data in addition to manual free() call
  • Implement an appropriate Service for cengal.parallel_execution.coroutines - for comfortable shared memory usage inside an async code (including asyncio)
  • Improve memory allocation algorithm in an attempt of making it faster